Effort Certification Reports

A list of useful effort reports is provided below. Click on the report names to see more details.

Report NameDescription
Terminated Pre-Reviewers and CertifiersLists the terminated pre-reviewer and/or certifier assigned to each employee who still has a pending effort form
Reassign Pre-Reviewers - Reassign effort forms to award dept pre-reviewersLists pending effort forms of employees who are assigned to other HR RAS units and also lists the unit they actually worked in
Reassign Pre-Reviewers - Empl that worked on awards depts not in empl HR RAS unitLists pending effort forms of employees who worked solely in other RAS units
Student with Certifier roleLists pending effort forms for students who are certifying their own forms and the project departments where they worked
(School/Unit) Pending EffortLists pending effort forms requiring certification and their pre-review status
Effort StatusShows pending effort form completion percentage by school/unit

Forms Needing Pre-Review

(in ERS under standard reports > ad hoc reports)

Shows all forms still pending pre-review for all schools/units. The report can be filtered by department, pre-reviewer, or employee to identify those only in your area.

Forms Needing Certification

(in ERS under standard reports > ad hoc reports)

Shows all forms that have been pre-reviewed but are still lacking certification. The report can be filtered by department, pre-reviewer, or employee to identify those only in your area.

Department Coordinators and Pre-Reviewers                                                 

(in ERS under standard reports > ad hoc reports)

Lists all departments and the assigned pre-reviewer, DC, and Sub DC for each one. If changes are needed, please contact Cost Studies

School Role (DH)

(in ERS under standard reports > ad hoc reports)

Shows who is assigned as the Division Head (DH) for each operating unit. If changes are needed, please get in touch with Cost Studies.