Effort Certification Reports
Report Name | Description |
Terminated Pre-Reviewers and Certifiers | Lists the terminated pre-reviewer and/or certifier assigned to each employee who still has a pending effort form |
Reassign Pre-Reviewers - Reassign effort forms to award dept pre-reviewers | Lists pending effort forms of employees who are assigned to other HR RAS units and also lists the unit they actually worked in |
Reassign Pre-Reviewers - Empl that worked on awards depts not in empl HR RAS unit | Lists pending effort forms of employees who worked solely in other RAS units |
Student with Certifier role | Lists pending effort forms for students who are certifying their own forms and the project departments where they worked |
(School/Unit) Pending Effort | Lists pending effort forms requiring certification and their pre-review status |
Effort Status | Shows pending effort form completion percentage by school/unit |
Forms Needing Pre-Review (in ERS under standard reports > ad hoc reports) | Shows all forms still pending pre-review for all schools/units. The report can be filtered by department, pre-reviewer, or employee to identify those only in your area. |
Forms Needing Certification (in ERS under standard reports > ad hoc reports) | Shows all forms that have been pre-reviewed but are still lacking certification. The report can be filtered by department, pre-reviewer, or employee to identify those only in your area. |
Department Coordinators and Pre-Reviewers (in ERS under standard reports > ad hoc reports) | Lists all departments and the assigned pre-reviewer, DC, and Sub DC for each one. If changes are needed, please contact Cost Studies |
School Role (DH) (in ERS under standard reports > ad hoc reports) | Shows who is assigned as the Division Head (DH) for each operating unit. If changes are needed, please get in touch with Cost Studies. |