Compass Queries and Reports

A list of useful research compass queries and reports are provided below.

Query NameDescription
EU_GM_ACTIVE_AWARDSLists all awards not closed or terminated
EU_GM_ACTUALS_BY_FUNDGL Posted Amount Summary by Fund Code
EU_GM_PANSList of projects for existing PANS
EU_GM_PROPOSED_EFFORT_BY_EMPLIPending Proposals in V101 status - select PI number
EU_GM_PROPOSED_EFFORT_BY_DEPTPending Proposals in V101 status - select from/to Department
EU_GM_AWARD_SEARCH_SPONSORSearch Active Awards by Sponsor Name (may use partial name)
EU_GM_AWARDED_EFFORT_BY_EMPLIAward proposals in V102 status for selected PI. For active awards enter today's date in the Project End Date field.
EU_GM_AWARDED_EFFORT_BY_DEPTAward proposals in V102 status for selected Department. For active awards enter today's date in the Project End Date field.
EU_GM_PI_AWARD_SEARCHSearch awards by PI. This query is case sensitive.
EU_GM_PROJ_LIST_BY_PROJ_DEPTIDProject listing for a specific department.
EU_GM_PROJ_LIST_BY_CONT_DEPTIDListing of all projects based on Contract Department ID. Useful to determine all projects within a contract, including projects housed in a department other than the overall contract.
EU_GM_PROJ_TRANS_BY_CONTRACTSponsored Program project transactions with prompt by Contract and transaction date. Source table Project Resource. Primarily used by OGCA finance office. Source of Sponsor, Expenses invoiced.
EU_GM_PROJ_TRANS_BY_PROJECTSponsored Program project transactions with prompt by Project and transaction date. Source table Project Resource. Primarily used by OGCA finance office. Source of Sponsor, Expenses invoiced.
EU_GM_JRNLSJournals by department.
EU_GM_AR_FOR_A_CONTRACTList of invoices for a selected contract