
The Cost Studies group manages many post-payroll labor-related issues. Labor begins with the set up of employees on the HRAF page in the PeopleSoft HR system. This is where an employee’s earnings distribution is created or modified. Once the employee is set up, payroll runs, and the employee is paid depending on the percents and speedtypes in the earnings distribution table. The payroll process takes place in PeopleSoft financials (Compass). After payroll has run, if it is determined that a payroll charge needs to be moved to a different speedtype, the retroactive salary transfer (RST) process is used.

For help with labor issues, please go to the Finance Support Center and submit a ticket under the Cost Studies - Labor option.

1. Retroactive Salary Transfer in Compass

RSTs are created to move salary charges from one Speedtype to another. This process is done in Compass using a menu item labeled RSTs.

Please note for FY2024 year-end close:

  • All RSTs must be keyed in Compass and must be through the final approval process workflow by Monday, August 12, 2024 to meet the first close deadline.
  • All RSTs must be be through the Compass workflow in order for them to be approved by the final RST deadline of Tuesday, September 10, 2024.

Creating A New RST:

  • Select CREATE RST page to start a new RST.
  • Enter an employee ID and a date range, then click SEARCH. This will show you any available payroll lines for the given employee and pay period. You will only see transactions here that you have been given labor security access to view and that have an active speedtype. 
  • Once you find the line you want to move, click the checkbox next to that line and then click WORK SELECTED ITEMS.
  • On the next page, simply enter the new speedtype to which you would like to move the salary and the amount of the transaction you would like to move.
  • If the RST involves a payroll transaction more than 90 days past the end of the effort period, please answer the following questions in the comments section of the RST:  
    • What were the unique and extenuating circumstances that justify this exception
    • What will be done moving forward to prevent a recurrence of similar issues
    • If a late NOA was the cause, why a PAN was not requested

Modifying an Existing RST:

  • To modify an RST which you have saved but not yet submitted, select the UPDATE RST page.
  • Once an RST has been submitted you cannot modify it. You would need to have it rejected by one of the workflow approvers, thus giving you the ability to modify it using this UPDATE RST page.

Review Existing RST: 

To view an RST that you have already submitted, use the REVIEW RST page. Here you can see any that you have submitted, whether they are still in workflow or have been approved. 

2. RST Workflow

Once an RST is submitted it goes into workflow. Workflow approvers are maintained by the FACS group.

There are four possible approval levels for RST workflow.

Department Approval

Each RST will go to the department approver if someone is set up. If it does not find a department approver, the RST will skip that level. If more than one approver is set up for a department then each person will have to approve the RST (not one or the other).

RAS Approval

If the RST contains at least one line with a sponsored project, either debit or credit, the RST will go to the RAS approver if one is set up. If there are no sponsored projects in the RST then this level is skipped.

School/Operating Unit Approval

This level of approval is required only if the amount of the RST is over $5,000 or if the RST is moving a transaction which occurred more than 90 days in the past.

Central Approval

The FACS group has final approval on all RSTs.

RST approvers should pay particular attention to the following:

RSTs moving transactions more than 3 months old

  • When moving charges onto a sponsored project, Emory policy states, "For adjustments of salary, these transfers must be processed within 90 days of the end of the effort certification period."
  • See Emory’s cost transfer policy
  • If the following questions are not sufficiently answered the RST should be denied: 
    • What were the extenuating circumstances that justify this exceptional late cost transfer
    • What will be done moving forward to prevent a recurrence of similar issues
    • If a late NOA was the cause, why a PAN was not requested

RSTs moving salary for an employee where the effort is already certified

  • Before certifying an effort form, the certifier should be certain of its accuracy.
  • If you feel an effort form was certified incorrectly and salary charges need to change, please contact the FACS group to explain the situation.

RSTs moving salary on a sponsored project where the project has already ended

  • If a grant has already ended, there is limited time to ensure all applicable costs are on the sponsored project and the financial report is sent to the agency.
  • If a charge hits after this process has been completed, it cannot be included in the final financial report and may then not be reimbursable.

3. Labor Data Security

Access to labor data is managed by the Cost Studies group. Access can be granted at an operating unit, department, or project level. To request access or change your existing access, please sign in to Compass and go to EMPLOYEE SELF-SERVICE > ONLINE ACCESS REQUEST and choose the Labor Access Request Form. This will route your request through the correct approvals and then to the Cost Studies group to set up.