Labor Reports

Labor reports show salary and fringe charges at a more detailed level than you will find in the ledger. These reports break down the data by employee, pay dates, earnings codes, and other variables. The labor reports can be found in the Emory Business Intelligence tool.

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About the Labor Report

Labor reports in Emory Business Intelligence have four tabs (or pages), which give you four different labor reports to choose from. The first tab is titled Labor Transaction Detail Report and allows you to pull a labor report based on chartfields such as smartkey, department, or project. In addition, for viewing labor on grants, there is a prompt for award number or PI name. Below the main prompt box you will find an Advanced Prompts box. Most of these values will not be needed; however, a prompt on Earnings Code is found here as well as Source ID (which will allow you to filter between payroll lines and RST lines).

The next three tabs are all employee-based reports and show you this employee labor data differently based on your labor data access. The first is called LTDR by Charged Employee. This report shows you employee labor data based on the department to where the labor was charged. For example, if you have labor access to view Cardiology, you will see any labor transactions charged to Cardiology for a given employee but not to any transaction charged to another department.

The next tab is called LTDR by Managed Employee. This report shows you employee labor data based on the HR department of the employee. For example, if you have access to Cardiology, you will see any labor transactions where the HR department is Cardiology, even if the charged department is somewhere else.

The last tab is called LTDR by Charged & Managed Employee. This report shows you any transactions for a given employee where you have access to either the charged department OR the managed department.

Healthcare Users

Healthcare users have special requirements for labor data. To use the RST page in Compass, Healthcare users must use their Healthcare Netid. To use the labor reports in Emory Business Intelligence Tool, Healthcare users must use a sponsored University Netid. Because of this, Healthcare users will need to have their labor security access set up for both Netid’s. If you’re a new Healthcare labor user and would like to be set up to use the labor reports in Emory Business Intelligence Tool, you will need to complete the following steps:

  1. Obtain an Emory University sponsored account 
  2. Complete an Emory Business Intelligence Security Access Form.
  3. Attach the completed Emory Business Intelligence Security Access Form to ServiceNow Ticket or contact 404-727-7777 or Service Now for assistance
  4. Request access to labor data using the Labor Data Request Form.
  5. Within two business days after completing all these steps you should receive notification of your setup and be able to access the labor reports.