Functional Usage
When recording the functional usage of a space, it should be based on the occupants, funding sources, and activities performed in the area. Functional usage is broken out as a percentage, with the total always equaling 100%. When space is occupied by multiple individuals, the frequency and extent of their presence should be considered in determining the percentage of functional activity. The functional usage of a space should closely correlate to the types of sponsored projects taking place in that space. For more details on specific room types, employees and cases, see our functionalization guidelines.
When completing the Functional Usage section of the space survey, you will see a table with the options below. Enter a percent next to each one, representing the percent of that activity that is taking place in the room.
- Organized Research (01)
- Instruction/Dept. Res (03)
- OSA (04)
- OIA (07)
- Emory Primate Center (EPC) (13) or (14)
- Patient Care (20)
- SSF (22)
- GA (OG)
- DA (OD)
- SPA (0A)
- OM (OM)
- LIB (OF)
Functional usage categories with definitions
Organized Research (01)
- Sponsored Research Projects– projects sponsored by Federal agencies and non-Federal organizations (e.g. states, cities, foundations, corporations, etc.) through grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements.
- Clinical Trials/Drug Studies– sponsored by Federal agencies.
- University Research Projects– projects funded with University funds that are separately budgeted and accounted for on a specific project basis.
- Research Cost Sharing– Includes mandatory matching, voluntary committed, or cost sharing associated with the NIH salary cap on externally sponsored awards.
- Sponsored Research Training– the training of individuals in research techniques sponsored by Federal agencies and non-Federal organizations through grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements. Common examples include Career Development (“K”) awards, institutional training grants (T-32), individual fellowships (F-32), etc.
Instruction/Department Research (03)
- Teaching and Training– All regular University teaching and training activities, whether they are offered for credits toward a degree or certificate or on a non-credit basis. Includes classroom teaching, preparing instructional materials, preparing and grading examinations, etc.
- Departmental Research– Research, development and scholarly activities that are not separately budgeted and accounted for on an individual project basis. It is research conducted by an individual that is not associated with any particular sponsored research project. It is supported by departmental funds, gift accounts, and start-up funds that the University has discretion on how the funding can be utilized. This will also include start-up/bridge funds.
- Sponsored Instruction/Training– Instructional or training activities sponsored by Federal agencies and non-Federal organizations through grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements. This category does not include research training activities.
Other Sponsored Activities (04)
- Programs and projects financed by Federal and non-Federal agencies and organizations that involve the performance of work other than Instruction and Organized Research.
- Examples are IPAs, community outreach, industry-sponsored clinical trials, seminars, and conferences.
Other Institutional Activity (07)
- Other institutional activities mean all activities not fitting into the other categories.
- Examples of other institutional activities include operation of residence halls, dining halls, hospitals and clinics, student unions, intercollegiate athletics, bookstores, faculty housing, student apartments, guest houses, chapels, theaters, public museums, and other similar auxiliary enterprises.
- This definition also includes any other categories of activities, costs of which are “unallowable” to Federal awards, unless otherwise indicated in an award.
Emory National Primate Research Center (13) or (14)
Space used for activities of the Emory National Primate Research Center
Patient Care (20)
- Space used for the direct treatment of clinical patients.
- Space used for teaching or supervising clinical personnel, residents, and interns when such teaching effort does not properly belong under the Instruction category.
- Includes administrative and support space that solely benefits clinical patient care.
- Does NOT include externally sponsored clinical trials/drug studies.
SSF or Service Centers (22)
- Space related to organizational units or activities that perform specific technical or administrative services primarily for internal operations and which charge users for these services. The services provided represent the major purpose of the generating department.
- Examples include: Biomarkers Core, BITC-CSI, CFAR Cores, DDRDC, Imaging Cores, NINDS, etc.
General Administration (OG)
- Space related to general executive and administrative offices and other expenses of a general character.
- Examples would be central offices of the institution such as the President's or Chancellor's office, the finance division, business services, budget and planning, personnel management, and safety and risk management; the office of the General Counsel; and the operations of the central administrative management information systems.
- This category does not include expenses incurred within deans' offices, academic departments, RAS units, or similar organizational units.
Departmental Administration (OD)
- Space related to administration and support of academic deans' offices, academic departments and divisions, and organized research units.
- Organized research units include such units as institutes, study centers, and research centers.
Sponsored Project Administration (OA)
- Space related to the administration of sponsored projects, including such functions as grant and contract administration (Federal and non-Federal), special security, purchasing, personnel, administration, and editing and publishing of research and other reports.
- This includes RAS unit space, FGC, OSP, and other related offices of research administration.
Student Services (OE)
- Space related to the administration of student affairs and for services to students, including expenses of such activities as deans of students, admissions, registrar, counseling and placement services, student advisers, student health and infirmary services, catalogs, and commencements and convocations.
Operations & Maintenance (OM)
- Space related to the administration, supervision, operation, maintenance, preservation, and protection of the institution's physical plant.
- This includes space related to janitorial and utility services; repairs and ordinary or normal alterations of buildings, furniture and equipment; care of grounds; maintenance and operation of buildings and other plant facilities; security; earthquake and disaster preparedness; environmental safety; hazardous waste disposal; property, liability and all other insurance relating to property; space and capital leasing; facility planning and management; and central receiving.
All library space, including the main library, the health sciences library, Oxford library, etc.
This functional code is normally used for unassignable space such as hallways, lobbies, or restrooms. These spaces should not be assigned to your department but if they are you can code them as "common".
Only the space that is vacant for the entire year. If space is only vacant for part of the fiscal year, assign functions according to how it was used when occupied.